In the fire protection and safety industries regulations, products, and general information our customers should be aware of is always changing… And C.R. Fireline wants to keep you informed for the most up-to-date information.
- All extinguishers are required to have annual maintenance. There are additional requirements such as tear down and hydrostatic testing depending on year of manufacture and application.
- The date punched on the service tag was the last service date.
- Fixed systems, kitchen hoods, and spray paint booths are to be inspected every six months.
- Fire alarms all fire alarm systems are required to be fully functional tested annually with certain devices inspected semiannually for example smoke detectors heat detectors manual pull stations.
- Systems inspected quarterly and water flowed annually.
- All fire sprinkler systems are required to be inspected on a quarterly basis.
There are also requirements that state the system shall be tested annually and a certification exam at 5-year intervals with appropriate test results forwarded to the Authority having Jurisdiction. C.R. Fireline provides all necessary state approved forms and stickers and forwards them to the proper authorities.
- Fire Hydrants are required to have an annual flow test.
- Fire pumps are required to be exercised on a weekly basis and tested on an
annual basis with reports to the Authority having Jurisdiction.