C.R. Fireline is the one-stop source for all your products related to fire protection and safety for your home or office. We stock all types and sizes of fire extinguishers. Our company is a distributor for the Amerex Fire Extinguishers (which we consider the best made). In addition, our stock includes Halon, Halatron Class K, pressurized water, and CO2. Other products include:
- Any types of signage you might need, from extinguisher signs to emergency lighting and exit signs
- Fire hoses, fittings, and a complete line of adapters
- Design and installation of fire alarm systems, pull stations, strobe lights, alarm bells, and fire alarm control panels
- Automatic fire sprinkler system parts and products both residential and commercial--from sprinkler heads to valves
- We work with all types and sizes of businesses from home daycare to office buildings, hospitals, and refineries.